Where can I use Wait Time?

Wait Time can be used for a variety of businesses and medical services in your area. Find updated waiting time data from real customers and visitors at restaurants, salons, emergency rooms, and urgent care facilities in your area.

How does Wait Time work?

Simply use Wait Time on your preferred desktop browser or use our mobile app for Apple and Android devices. To browse businesses and services, use the map feature to check for restaurants, salons, emergency rooms, and urgent care facilities near you. Or, if you'd like to know about a specific location, type in the business name or healthcare provider in the search field.

Where does Wait Time pull data for businesses and emergency medical services in my area?

Wait Time sources data from real customers and visitors. Our team is also constantly updating all live information and doing quality checks to ensure the wait time data you see is accurate.

How much does Wait Time cost?

Wait Time is free to use!

I'm experiencing issues with Wait Time. Who can I contact for technical support?

You may contact us for technical support here.