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Don't spend hours in the ER with live emergency room wait times
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You'll get live wait times from restaurants, salons, emergency rooms, and urgent care services!
Easily make reservations with the services, restaurants and other businesses in your area without waiting in line
Restaurant wait times, salon wait times, emergency room wait times, and urgent care wait times are accurate and updated frequently by guests or businesses
Wait Time is available on any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet device, or you can choose to use our website as well.
Let's say you have a dinner night planned and you're trying to get a feel for restaurant wait times. Do you call every restaurant you have in mind and ask? Is the information reliable? Today, most people locate their restaurants by putting something like "map of restaurants near me" into a web search. What if in addition to that geographic information, you could have a detailed and accurate list of local wait times right at your fingertips?
With Wait Time, you can hop on your computer or Apple/Android device, put in a local search for your favorite restaurants, and find out instantly what kind of waiting you can expect to do. Besides restaurant wait times, we also have wait times for salons, emergency rooms, and urgent care rooms, so you can thoroughly plan your day.
So, how does Wait Time provide accurate and up-to-date ER, urgent care, salon, and restaurant wait times? Many of our wait times are regularly updated by customers, and the businesses and organizations that appear in our lists participate as well. That means that you have access to detailed, accurate, and frequently updated wait data for your favorite restaurants and salons.
Putting in a search for the "best emergency room near me" in order to gain as much information as possible in a tense situation? Our app provides accurate information for wait times at emergency rooms and urgent care centers that are closest to you, so you can get in, get taken care of, and get out.
Donât waste time or miss an appointment again by waiting in line too long! Wait Time allows you to plan your day with unprecedented detail and efficiency by providing detailed and up-to-date emergency room, salon, and restaurant wait times. Wait Time is easy to use and provides you with the information you need fast for effective scheduling and decision-making.
Have any questions about Wait Time? Send us an email at and our support team will get back to you. Try our service now, and get the most out of your day with Wait Time!